Close-Up 2022 Fundraising

We believe that providing students with opportunities to increase their view of the world helps to increase their engagement in academics…

At the Community Network Council, our main goal is to provide students the tools they will need to ensure they become successful adults. We believe that providing students with opportunities to increase their view of the world helps to increase their engagement in academics, which helps us to accomplish our goal of helping to produce successful adults.

This year (2022), we have increased our efforts to work with our student participants to increase their understanding of US history and Civics. Our students have learned, and will continue to learn, the importance of participating in Civic activities, like voting. To give our students and additional boost, we plan to take ## students to Washington DC in June 2022. We will work with other nonprofit agencies to provide our students with educational access to government facilities and functions. We hope this experience will spark a lifelong interest in politics for our students, and encourage our students to take the lead in increasing participation in elections amongst their peers and friends.

This is where we need your help. To help us to get our students to Washington DC, and to ensure an enriching experience for the students, we have multiple fundraising efforts planned (and underway).